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From myth to science

Pegasus constellation:

Pegasus myth: Pegasus is white winged horse, son of poseidon and medusa. He was born from the cutted neck of medusa when Poseidon killed her in the sea. Once he was born he went to the Olympus and put him self under the orders of Zeus. 

One of the most famous pagasus myths is "the legend of Bellerophon". It says that Athenea gave him to Bellerophon and  thanks to that he killed the Chimera. When Bellerophon died Pegasus returned to the Olympus.

A few time later the singing competition betwen the Muses and Piero daughters had place at Mount Helicon. The Mount was so pleased by the beauty of the voices that he growing up so fast threatening with reaching the sky.  Seeing the danger Poseidon ordered pagasus tu kick the mount with one of his hooves, to order him to stop growing. The mount obeyed and retourned to his normal mesure. And frome the place that the pegasus kicked the "hypocrene source" srpout.

After this Zeus turned him into a constellation to make him ethernal. When pagasus ascended to the sky a feather felt near to Tarso, that's how the city adopted its name.2020-11-08 

RubensBelerofonte | Tatuajes de mitología, Tatuaje de pegaso, Estatuas griegas