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It was discobered by Jean-Dominique Maraldi in 1746 while he was estuding De Chéseaux comet. It was described as a nebulosa by Charles Messier when he inclueded it in his astronomical objects catalog, it wasn't until 1783 when William Herschel concreted M15 as a globular cluster.

This globular cluster is located 336000 light years from the earth, it's absolute magnitude is -9,2. It containes a elevated number of variable stars, 158 aprox. , 104 of them are type RR Lyrae.

M15: Globular cluster in Pegasus - Sky & Telescope - Sky & Telescope

I've analised M15 light spectrum and tried guess wich are the principal elements that form it

grafic m15

eq. pic 1 M15

Element M15

The scientifics K. Otsuki, S. Honda, W. Aoki, have also found vanadium abundances in M15.